Should you decide to invest in property, please take my advice and 'buy to let' and I mean buy a property that will easily let, if possible go for two smaller properties instead of one higher valued one. If your property is vacant for two months it is a shortfall of nearly 17 percent of your expected income, three months and you have lost 25 percent. 'Buy to let' means you choose, and if necessary take letting companies' advise, a property that is sought after in the rental market. Do not do as I have done in the past and choose a property that you would like as your own home, do not add all the finishing touches that you would appreciate, and never be driven by your emotions....nobody feels compassionate towards the companies in their share portfolio or pension plan.....if the return is unacceptable, quick offload and take the initial hit, recoup and re-invest. With property the costs of mistakes are expensive so check the local or even the overseas markets carefully. Good luck.