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Love is...

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Rubyrose | 02:04 Sat 13th Jan 2007 | Body & Soul
20 Answers
What is the best definition you have ever heard for Love? I heard a good one the other day and I was wondering if anyone had any more. Me and my mate had a big discussion on the meaning of Love. I don't think anyone can ever really know the true meaning. I have never heard a spot on one.. Not saying I know the answer.. just saying what I hear, always seems to be lacking something. So... Love is?


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Hiya Rubes,
I reckon when you care more about that person than you do yourself is a good start. Mind you, post this in Science and you'll get a chemical/physiological/lustful meaning! Or it's just feeling comfortable enough to trump on her head hehe!
So what was the good one you heard?
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'Love is when you can trump on her head'!! Has a nice ring to it! (No pun intended)! ;o)
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It wasn't so much a 'Love is this..' kind of one but someone said 'they think of love as when a mundane task seems like a joy just because it is being shared with a special someone'... it wasn't so much the phrasing of it but the meaning of it that got me thinking about how when I was with my ex, we could do something like the washing up and have fun and be in hysterics and towards the end of the relationship (5yrs total) I wanted to drown him in the dishwater! Lol
It's the little things that count, and they're the things you remember after. A long time after! I still remember the most stupid little things, invented phrases, things that we had that were so good and funny. Part of me thinks I should have married a certain person! But deep down I knew she wasn't the one!
You still should remember you finished for a reason and that reason will always be there if you got back together (speaks from experience)! The sex with the ex is always good tho!!
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Oh god yeah, he is an ex for a reason and thats the way I like it! But we kind of spoke our own language and had little 'in' jokes and we just got on brilliantly and that never faded, but after 5yrs we would row over stupid things where as at the beginning, we would laugh at stupid things! Ohwell! Lol.


or on the other side

Beautiful/bliss/heart warming/fullfilling/heaven/everything

At the moment for me the only thing I can describe it as is.... missing. In all senses.
When she doesnt mind when you sh4g her little sister and cousin
This is my 9yr old daughters poem that she had to do for school last week.


Love is red,
It smells like sweet roses
Love tastes like chocolate
It sounds like wind chimes
It feels like happiness
Love lives in your heart.

Ohhhhhh to be 9 again!!
Hi Ruby, not this!! uestion294877.html

that's lust my dear
PS and out of order to boot
A rose by any other name that is fleeting and sweet but the sight of it leads to a temporary insanity that causes you ti wish for a dream your heart makes.
giving someone your last rolo
Not imagining spending the rest of your life with someone but not being able to imagine spending the rest of your life without them.

I was talking to my mum the other day about her parents. He dad died young and unexpectedly from a heart attack and she said that if my nan had gone first he would never have been able to go on without her he loved her so much.

I remember someone coming up with a good one about washing smelly pants or something on here ot long ago but can't remember it exactly.
Love means loving a person more than yesterday and less than tomorrow
i think we women must love our men more than they love us - hw many of them would unravel our smelly socks or skid marked undies before putting them in the wash - not that my garments are like that but most mens are if not always at least on occassion!
unconditional, you just can't help it
Jenna - something like 'lust is wanting to get in his is washing them'
That's the one :)
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Some good ones guys... and some funny ones.

I don't think I have ever heard a 'spot on' one... One that does it for me!

Thanks John.... yet again another unprevoked (yet minor) attempt to bug me... doesn't work hun! ;o).. I almost feel like your attempts are so lame.. they should be followed by a little drum solo... 'Buh dum dum, che'!
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Hold on a cotton picking minute......... John...... you have openly admitted on here many times that you have repeated cheated on wifes and girlfriends!!!!!!!!! And you are digging at me? HAHAHAHAHA! You f*ck about and then the second someone else has a bit of fun, you grow a concience!!! Noway mate.. like I am ever going to take advice from you!

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