Hey Guys,
Anyone know the best diet pill out there at the minute? I'm comparing them for my chum who insists shes going on them so would prefer it if they were worth it.
Jess xxx
I hate to say it but I very much doubt any of them work. If they did there would be no need for diets. There have been quite a few questions about diet pills on here recently and I've seen very few people (if any at all) say they have had any positive effects. Tell your friend to keep her cash in her pocket and go for a walk.
Diet pills work because if you follow the plan you are actually on a diet aswell. A kind of placebo effect and little more.
As said, she is wasting her money. The only diet food that works is raw chicken. It is virtually guaranteed that if you eat 1/2 lb of it, you will lose about 2 stone!!!!