As much as I hate Blair, I applaud his decision to stay and fight in both afghanistan and Iraq. What I detest is his treatment of our forces in expenditure and kit etc.
By you saying the war is illegal, then surely the servicemen are breaking the law aswell? You can't say "they are just following orders" because otherwise you are getting in to the realms of the SS and the holocaust camps.
Murder, for example, has to be "under the Queen's peace" as per the definition, hence excluding active combat from such national, and more importantly, international laws.
It is insensitive and basically rather stupid referring to the war as "illegal".
Terrorisms breeds in these hosile countries. Since 9/11 we have had few tube bombs in London and not much else. To my knowledge, nothing in USA.
Yes, the 7/7 attacks were awful and may the camel-humping kiddy-fiddling muslims who killed themselves in the bombs being burning red hot in Christian Hell as we speak, but in the grand scheme of things, we have been safe from Al Quaeda and other islamic groups. If the worse they can do is have some mad, evil pro-rape clerics (some without hands!) preach in London, I can live with it. Job well done to our boys and girls fighting for a better world order.
The war shall continue, death to the terrorists, death to their families and bring on a better world order.
God save the Queen and bless those facing Iraqi and Afghanistani insurgence.