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mummyof3 | 18:33 Wed 18th Jun 2003 | Animals & Nature
18 Answers
What purpose do pigs serve other than for food? I mean cows give us milk, sheep - wool, chickens - offence to all the vegetarians/vegans out there but, can anybody else think of anything?


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They also keep law and order, and arrest people, and stop them speeding and things.
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LMAO!!!!! Thanks :)
No problems, m'dear! :)
Finding truffles!
Pigskin. Bladders for Court Jesters and Morris Men ( no, not spare part surgery; to tie on a stick to arse about with). Ears to make into dog-chews. 'Only bit of a pig you can't use is the squeak', they say here in East Anglia. Mind, I shouldn't investigate what they mean by that; they have interesting habits round Stiffkey way.
They search for truffles.
Whoops, sorry Hippy, I didn't notice you'd already said that... I'll get me coat.
They are well suited for organ transplantation to humans. Their organs are the same size and have the same plumbing as ours. They have been used for this purpose and experiments continue.
To teach moral lessons. As in Three Little Pigs.
Not the most common purpose ( as far as I know ) and not to everyones taste ( certainly not mine ), but they are used in acts of bestiality.( not by me )
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But, in all of these cases (other than the bestiality thing) pigs are destined for slaughter! Poor buggers :(
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Not many pigs are eaten in Israel. The pigs have their economic uses.
Don't knock them, their orgasms last 30 minutes. (So I'm told.)
We can compare them to some men!!!
We can use them for nursery rhymes . . .'This little piggy went to market, this little piggy . . .' This takes me back to a once simpler time . . .
I never went to bed with an ugly woman but I sure woke up with a few pigs.

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