why do you get brain freeze when you are eating ice cream, what causes it? surely you should get stomach freeze as thats where the cold stuff is going!
Okay, I'm afraid I don't know the scientific names/terms, you'll have to look this up on the internet. But I do know roughly what happens to cause this.
It's to do with anything cold hitting the palate of your mouth. There is a mechanism within the palate which causes your blood vessels to contract suddenly and then quickly expand again. This rapid change basically causes pain in the palate area so a signal is sent to the front part of your brain, hence the sudden 'brain freeze'.
So when you eat ice cream you should eat small amounts at a time and avoid it touching the roof of your mouth!
Hmmm, i have never had brain freeze, but my throat gets real cold when i am eating it. i know you say you should only eat little bits at a time, but its just so damn irrisistable. That cornish vanill ice cream with strawberry sauce on, then cramped together in a wafer.
Or maybe the raspberry ripple one, or maybe the toffee one. I could go on all day, but i had better not...