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employers rights

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sharon.w | 19:29 Wed 07th Feb 2007 | Jobs & Education
4 Answers
a collegue has none exsitent personal hygiene. he doesnt wash & his odour is really offensive. everyone keeps telling him but he thinks theres nothing wrong. people are refusing to work with him what can the employer do


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Mention it to your Manager if you have one, and if you have a personnell dept. they should deal with it.
Good luck - we have a guy at work who makes us heave every time he is close, but despite hints, stronger hints, remarks and telling the management, he still pongs.
The employer could probably give an official warning to the guy in question. Personally, I'd start with an informal chat, but one to one, so it's a bit more formal. Very embarrasing, but if it's affecting staff, it has to be done. Then progress to a formal warning, a written warning, etc.
Yupp, agree with that. These are some of the most difficult issues for a line manager to solve.

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