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Silly little pet hates?

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number8 | 09:43 Tue 10th Aug 2004 | Body & Soul
57 Answers
Well, what are they? Mine are newsreaders who attempt to come out with a funny little quip at the end of the news - just read the damn news. People who use the words 'proactive' and 'synergy'. And probably my biggest - the fact that politicians are incapable of giving a yes or no answer.


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64. People who falsely try to pretend that Proportional Representation was responsible for the rise of Hitler, and who do not seem to have noticed that Western European democracies using PR for the last 50 years have not elected any fascist governments

65. People who say �I was smacked as a child and it never did me any harm�, thereby immediately contradicting themselves

66. People who are trying to undermine the moral fabric of society

67. People who are tying to destroy civilisation

68. People who try to show off their anoraky knowledge of obscure facts by proclaiming that suicide is illegal, thereby clumsily not realising that it was legalised in 1961.

69. People who try to show off their anoraky knowledge of obscure facts by proclaiming that heterosexual a.nal sex is illegal, thereby clumsily not realising that it was legalised in 1994

70. Old people moaning about �the youth of today� being to blame �for all of society�s ills�

71. People who say that �life should mean life� thereby ignoring the fact that it already does

72. The fact that it will be necessary to post this list in more than two sections, due to the despotism and tyranny of the 2000 character limit

73. People who don�t know the difference between �England� and �Britain�

74. People who can�t tell the difference between the United Kingdom and Great Britain

75. People who assume that I�m heterosexual

76. People who think that the European Convention on Human Rights was created by the European Union, thereby ignoring the fact that the ECHR was created in 1950 and the EU was not formed until 1957

77. People who pompously and arrogantly have a notice on their front door saying �no leaflets� when I am delivering election leaflets, thereby ignoring the fact that they have a civic duty to read leaflets from election candidates in order to inform themselves of the issues involved

78. People in the supermarket queue in front of me who don�t even think of getting out their purse or wallet or money until the staff has finished doing all their things through the ping machine, thereby making it necessary for me to tut and breathe noisily in disapproval

79. The BNP, its racist thugs, members and voters

80. �Respect- The Unity Coalition� for choosing such a silly and obscure name which most non-political people would not understand

81. Jade Goody

82. People who falsely try to pretend that decimalisation (in 1971) was somehow responsible for the high inflation (1975-78)

83. Reactionary people who falsely try to pretend that people campaigning for humane prison conditions somehow do not care about the victims of crime

84. People who say that householders should be allowed to defend their house and family against intruders or burglars, thereby ignoring the fact that they are already allowed to do so

85. People who try to defend Tony Martin for murdering a burglar, thereby ignoring the fact that he used excessive force rather than reasonable force

86. Economics teachers

87. Sports commentators who can�t be bothered to learn the correct pronunciation of foreign names, and who say for example �Sjeng Sjalken� instead of �Sjeng Schalken�

88. People who think that the USA has got 52 states rather than 50

89. People who make jokes about the UK being (or becoming) the 51st (or 53rd) state

90. People who think that Australia (rather than Greenland) is the largest island in the world, thereby ignoring the fact that it is a continent

91. Motorists who moan about speed cameras being there to raise revenue from fines rather than to prevent speeding, thereby ignoring the fact that they wouldn�t have to pay any fines if they didn�t speed

92. People who refer to the former Albanian dictator as �Hoksa� instead of �Hoxha�

93. The fact that it is necessary to put in a load of < BR > HTML stuff in these answers instead of doing returns normally

94. The fact that the UKIP invited Tony Martin to its annual conference and gave him an enthusiastic standing ovation, as if he were a hero rather than a criminal

95. The fact that the UKIP selected Robert Kilroy-Silk as an election candidate, despite the fact that he left the BBC after making offensive remarks about Arabs, and yet supposedly being an anti-racist party

96. Motorists who get caught for speeding, and then say �the police should catch real criminals�, thereby ignoring the fact that speeding motorists are real criminals

97. TV presenters who say �We�ll see you next week� when in fact it will be me seeing them

98. Country bumpkins

99. People who falsely try to pretend that Peter Phillips is not the most gorgeous man in the universe

100. People who say �Van Gof� instead of �Van Gogh�
All of the above plus :- people that, when you ask them how they are, they reply 'not three bad' instead of 'not too bad'! peter andre (if he ever passes me in the street i'm going to kick him in the commuters who have the false impression that the rest of us want to see their dripping armpits. (buy some mitchum deodorant, it actually works) vegetarians teenage girls that go on school trips to liverpool and come back talking like that heavy breasted blonde bird that used to be in brookside. the fact that 'operation good guys' is not available on dvd sunderland psychics reality tv ross kemp people that say 'lickle' instead of 'little' elton john orlando bloom the fact that itune seems to put spaces between every track you import to it, even on mix cd's and of course everyones ultimate pet hate - SOCK PUPPETS
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Think I'll add to my own question; Jade Goody. People driving their kids to school when they don't need to. Nadia out of BB5 - very irritating voice and laugh. People who pull out of a side road causing you to slow down, and then they don't accelarate. When I'm on my motorbike in a line of traffic, people seeing me in their side mirrors and then drifing out to make it harder to pass. Jade Goody. People who wander aimlessly around the supermarket getting in my way. Women who take forever finding their purse in the mammoth handbags at supermarket checkouts, once all the shopping has been scanned. And then take forever putting the damn thing back. Old people who go shopping at the weekend. Chavs. Chavs. Chavs. Chavs. Jehovas Witnesses - this is a cult, not a religion. Charles De Gaulle - "people of Paris, you have liberated yourselves" - yeah, right. The Howard League for Penal Reform - bleeding heart liberals the lot of 'em. The little pikey Fred Barras for causing Tony Martin to shoot him - unpopular, but so what, if the little **** wasn't there he would not have been shot. Tony Martin has saved us hundreds of thousands in terms of prison costs, because the pond life would have been in and out of jail for the rest of his life. Jade Goody. Diane Abbott. Mandy Madellson. Tony B.Liar. Prescott. In fact the whole party - out sleazing the tories. And finally, Jade Goody. It is a sad indicment on society that she is now rich and famous.
Slow walkers, slow eaters, slow people. Live life a little faster and get to where you want to be quicker.
Haha. Definitely the girl in the 'yes' car adverts! Also the 'it's only a commercial' advert. Quite a lot of adverts actually!! -People butting in when you're speaking. -The loud, scary noise of a sudden jet zooming past/ Motorbike zooming past, Hoover being switched on. -Being poked in the ribs. -People breathing on me.
To add to my small grammatical pet hates I have to say "ditto" to scubaboy's additions, with the exception of the motorbike one because I don't have one. I have to also add inappropriate use of apostrophes and people who do not give tips in restaurants when they received good service "because they should be grateful I'm here at all". The way my PC or the email server always crashes when I've almost finished a long, unsaved, email drives me to distraction as well.
When people start a statement with "Well basically". When people do that quote " " fingers thing. Adverts when people whisper (eg. Army recruitment). People that use LOL when they don't LOL!
My BIG pet hate.... You know the bit where you've just watched a brilliant film or tv programme and the music starts at the end to finish it off and some git does a bl**dy voice-over to tell you what's on next. I'm getting all wound up just typing this about it, God I hate it so much! It's like reading a book and someone has scribbled on the last page totally spoiling it. Classic example, Saving Private Ryan, fantastic film, beautiful story, enchanting music, and what do they do at the end, turn the music down and prattle on about a programme that's on a week later. What's the flippin' point eh! If any tv voice-over people are reading this GET REAL, LEAVE IT ALONE, IT'S BETTER WITHOUT YOU!!! Sorry got a bit carried away there!
I totally agree with you Dagman! The end credits are an integral part of the film! Anyway,

101. People who patronisingly refer to British soldiers abroad as �our boys� or �our lads�, thereby ignoring the fact that they are grown men and women

102. People who refer to �Croydon, Surrey� or �Bromley, Kent�, or who falsely try to pretend that Middlesex still exists, thereby showing that they have not noticed that Greater London was created forty years ago

103. Newsreaders suggesting that people have been �enjoying� the hot weather

104. The silly woman at Gay Pride a few years ago who said �yes� when I asked �is this seat available?� but then immediately changed her mind and said �oh sorry it�s taken� as soon as I sat down

105. People who try to show off their knowledge by self-importantly explaining that the word �nylon� is derived from �New York� and �London�, even though it isn�t

106. People who falsely try to pretend that the Channel Islands are part of the United Kingdom

107. Spanish governments for pretending that Gibraltar is part of Spain

108. People who pretend that Ceuta and Melilla are part of Morocco

109. People who commit atrocities such as female genital mutilation and pretend that it is in the name of Islam

110. People who hold their knife with the index finger along the top of the blade instead of holding it properly

111. Elderly female relatives who stick out their face at an angle as if they are expecting to be kissed in greeting

112. Relatives who say �Oh haven�t you grown� every time you visit

113. People who load up a whole load of food on their fork when it�s upside-down

114. People who think that going on holiday to places where it is hot and uncomfortable and where one is cut off from newspapers and domestic TV and news is somehow enjoyable or positive

115. People who propose ill-thought-out reactionary kneejerk actions against criminals and then confidently proclaim �and then they won�t do it again� even though history shows that many of them will do it again

116. My local supermarket for putting up the price of cheesy sandwich biscuits from 15p to 93p overnight

117. People who say �haar, faar, paar� instead of �hour, fire, power�

118. People who say �strenth� and �lenth� instead of �strength� and �length�

119. People who don�t write an ampersand correctly

120. People who don�t accept that �why not?� is sometimes a good enough reason on its own

121. People who do not pay attention to the wording of the famous riddle �that man�s father is my father�s son� and who falsely insist that the man is looking at a picture of himself rather than his son

122. People who think that viruses can be treated with antibiotics

123. Americans who incorrectly say �zee� instead of �zed�, or who can�t spell �aluminium� properly

124. People who think that �democracy� means the majority doing whatever it likes to the minority

125. People who have long hair flapping and dangling all over their face, apparently without realising that it is very uncomfortable

126. People who try to show off their knowledge of foreign languages by pronouncing Portuguese names according to the rules of Spanish pronunciation

127. Nostril hairs needing to be trimmed

128. People who talk about �going into Europe� when they mean �joining the Euro�, thereby showing that they think that the UK is in a different continent
wow,bernardo, you must be really annoyed all the time.. I on the other hand have just a few, when your running late and your not moving anywhere, waiting, this involves every form of transport including walking because of other people, waiting for lifts etc, that really gets me, COlin and Justin - who the hell do they think they are 'how not to decorate'did you see some of the **** they did in their early years on tv about 2 or 3 years ago, their voices, clothes, phrases, characters aaahh get them off my tv, and on top of that the Guardian recommended it as one to watch so my faith in that area is wavering. but the most annoying thing is people who finish your sentences, not the ones who are actually helpful and know where your going, that's fine, but the ones that sit there and nod as you speak and then mimick the last word you said, so that they actually feel like their getting it and that they are involved in the conversation even though their too dossy or stupid to have their own opinion on something.
the phrase "man, that is SICK!" insurance adverts, Jerry Springer-esque shows, people with no table manners, screaming children in crowded shops with parents who refuse to shut them up...
i typed a crappy message before which has totally narked me off! List continues: People who sniff continuously all day rather than blow their bloody noses once! That really irritating Shockwaves advert- who the hell wears their hair like that? People who don't know you calling you Petal, Dear, Sunshine etc. When someone walks off or hangs up when you're not done speaking to them. Give me a few days and i will return with many more to add!

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