My mum has. Its ok. its annoying at night as it wakes you up at intervals as it checks (obviously you feel the pressure on your arm).
You'll be ok, its just an annoyance really.
I have, i had to prove to GP that i get 'white coat syndrome' and only have high BP at the surgery.
They arent too bad, at night the dont read it so often and it wakes you up briefly.
The only high reading i had was when the thing on my arm inflated and wouldnt go down, it got stuck for ages and i was screaming to anyone to try and get it off, suddenly it deflated. Luckily the monitor part of the system picked it up as a fault and i was given the all clear on my BP.
well I have the dam thing fitted ...I was in the bakers and it thing went off while I was trying to pay for my pies!
ugh ....Im gona have a great 24 hours
Hi Blyss
I have had on fitted twice. It is not too bad as I worked through the 24 hours each time I had to wear it.
What you will have to remember is, when the machine is taking the reading, you must stop what you are doing until it stops taking the reading.
The worst thing is getting a shower, and it only measures your BP once an hour during the night and does not bleep.
It is programmed normally to start taking your BP at more regular intervals from 8am until it is removed. It is more of a nuisance than anything.
Hope your results are okay.