I broke my ipod yesterday. I was out running and tripped and fell and landed on my arm where i was wearing my ipod. The screen underneath the glass has cracked and it looks like an ink splodge on it. It works fine otherwise but I just can't see the display. Does anyone know if this is fixable? I have found a website called uk Ipod Repairs - apparently I just send them the ipod and they fix it and hopefully return it to me. (After I have paid them �50). Does anyone have any experience of this type of thing or any idea of how I can get this fixed? Thank you.
Go to www.ipodhowtovideo.com , i replaced the faceplate of my ipod video with ease. They post videos on that site to show you how to do it yourself, but you gotta be careful when you're doing it. I suppose its better than sending it away to some stranger.