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Elephant Poo

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4getmenot | 17:15 Mon 12th Mar 2007 | Body & Soul
28 Answers
Well some of you know that I've just started seeing someone and well Saturday morning he told me he loved me. And all I could say was don't be silly, felt a bit bad because he was just showing his feelings. I have to be sure about how I feel before I say it back, so how many of you have said it just because the other person did?


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Hey 4getmenot :o)

I think that's lovely what he said and you are right to wait to say it until you feel and mean it.
The first time my husband (boyf at the time) told me he loved me I said "Yeah I know" lol. I wanted to be sure of my feelings and I guess wanted to see just how keen he was on me as I knew I wanted to be with him and we moved in together almost straight away. We've been together 10 years now, married for nearly 8, it's been tough going mainly due to things beyond our control (health etc.) but we always say I love you more than once everyday, always kiss, always cuddle and always will :o)
He sounds lovely btw good luck with it all xx
ahh, thats dead sweet, him saying what he knows of you he loves!!

er.............. i take it the weddings off then?? lol x
watch him 4get.
hes either deranged or overly attentive.
drop him like hot rocks.

be careful doll.

so sorry to hear youve been jilted curly lol

i at least still get to wear my hat though!
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curleyperm can come too. and legend I'm not sure if you're being serious or not
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and crete of course he just visited for morning tea :-)
redcrx looks like the Lambrinis all mine (drown my sorrows ) lol anyway at least anotholdgit will be happy!

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