i have two wicked kids and am now with a differant bloke that i love very much and would love to give us a chance to have a child together, BUT when i was pregnant last time i ended up in hospital for 3 months with spd a very painfull pelvis dissorder which could happen again and i could not recover after pregnancy as well as last time. or there is a possibility that i wont get it again.also i am steralised and have been 4 nearly 4 years. am i just having a moment? its been a long moment if so and i can't get it out of my head. cheers 4 any replies
If you are in a happy stable relationship and you both want a child then you are the only one who can weigh up the risks involved and also the fact you will be at a much reduced chance of falling pregnant following reversal of a sterilisation.
have you disussed with your man? is he aware of the probs you have had in the past? and that you are sterilised?
you could go and see your gp or practice nurse just to talk it through