when was the last time you did this and did you feel like a tw4t afterwards??
an irish fella came into my shop today and asked for a pin push?? after looking at him like a weirdo for a couple of seconds i said "no, we dont sell em" he asked where he could get one localy? "i have never heard of a pin push mate" i said...to which he told me to **** off you **** taking english tw4t????? i was a little taken back until my mate said he had asked for a paint brush!!!!!
rugleyboy - Yes, Imust admit, I am sweating rememembering a man in work, thought he said ' where's your sexy glasses? When what he was really saying was ' where's your safety glasses ( dig's a hole!! )
A good few years back , I worked weekends behind the bar in a nightclub. One night , a girl came up to me and said what I thought was "My name is Carrie and I believe you are sh****** (hubby's name). I got a bit uppity and thought how rude and said to her "It's a bit more than that actually , we are married !" To which she said "Yes , I know , that's what I said" What she had actually said was "I believe that you are married to (hubby's name)". It's so hard to hear what people are saying sometimes under all that loud music but I felt really stupid. I thought that she was some mad ex coming to give me grief ! Not the best of introductions to his cousin lol !
I had an American tourist ask me where "The A-S-D-A" was, spelling out the letters. I told him I had no idea what he was talking about, and I couldn't help him. Asda was about 50 yards behind me....
I went to Macdonalds, and i thougth the girl said whats the score, cause there was a big rugby match on. So i said something like 15 - 4. What she actually said was, do you want a straw.
My husbands quite hard of hearing, theres been some really funny ones with him too....
He is a roofer so he often gets messages left on the phone for him with people giving addresses, i get home and have to translate them, one he wrote upping hill, when it was hopping hill, another was Mevin pace, when it was chivin chase....
When my friend went to pay for a Mars bar, the woman behind the shop counter just said 'Eat'.
We looked at each other sort of bemused, wereupon she just said it again - 'Eat'.
He just stood there looking baffled. 'That's eat pence please' she said, getting annoyed.
(The fact that a Mars bar was 8pence tells you how long ago that was)
my friend had some trousers on with a lace insert at the bottom of the trouser legs, she said "look you can see my sexy leg!" I thought she said stroke instead of see and so proceeded to stroke the lace insert bit, luckily we're good enough friends so she didnt think i was coming on to her!