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funnygirl | 17:41 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Travel
2 Answers
Does anybody know of any cheap hotels/rooms in Atlanta.
My son is doing this on a budget


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If your son doesn't mind 'roughing it' in a 6-bed single-sex dorm, the Atlanta International Hostel charges just �12.27 (+ tax) per night. Actually, since the dorms are air conditioned and there's free doughnuts and coffee each morning (with lots of good facilities for guests), it's not really 'roughing it' very much ;-)

Well if your son is working on a budget I'll be more than happy to help him find a place with in his price range I may even be able to find him a price better than what he was hoping for. Simply log on to or I can perform the search for him and guess what I won't charge him a thing if you would like me to conduct the search I can be contacted via email:[email protected] or by phone: 954-854-6599 Hope to hear from you soon. Tarvis Johnkins

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