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We want sarumite back

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JoolsTwo | 09:34 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Site Suggestions
30 Answers
He is a valued part Q&P and his banning is unfair. You are banning him because he is helpful, too helpful according to you AB Ed. It is ridiculous to ban someone just because they answer too many questions in a specified time. Please, please re-think the banning and reinstate him NOW.


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Jools .. just to thank you so much for this thread, and your efforts to have me reinstated into the flock.
As you can see I am now up and running, and ready to do battle in the shrubbery once more!

Regards .. (S) ☺☺
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We are ready for you sarumite - pauline and I have a plan ;-)
Plan? Plan! You two will get us locked up again, I just know it !
Jools, have a look back at the answers to this question - qiite interesting. zles/Question384322.html
And thanks to you both for caring. Bless, Aq.
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I don't remember you and sarumite being on there when I answered that????
Because we had been expunged!
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Oooh! That sounds painful Aq. :-)
Its good when people support their 'friends' - just hope that similar petitioning will support any Abers caught by this spamming Rule.

And that sarumite 'reflects' and considers that this site is better served by wider participation ....
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I'm not sure what you mean by that last statment lector???

We would support any one unfairly banned, but there are some on this site, not on Q&P I hasten to add, that should be banned and frequently aren't that is what made sarumite and aquagility's banning so unfair. All they were doing was answering peoples question quickly and in doing so broke some unwritten rule.
Ditto Jools!
And Ditto Ditto !

Reflect yourself Lector when you have no compunction at posting every clue or as near as damit to the EV and accept other peoples help ......quick on the draw or not .
As you have said before ...sarcasm is the lowest form of wit .
We are all a happy band on Q&P and can do without your pearls of "wisdom"...and head prefect attitude .Mind you don't get caught out ....!!

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