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1smiler1 | 23:08 Sat 31st Mar 2007 | Music
2 Answers
Hiya folks, love this forum, picked up many a good tip for a tune here! :�) im leaving to go travelling next week and have loadsa space on my mp3 to fill and loadsa time to chill out and listen to it!!. I was wondering if anyone could recomend some good mixes (or songs - anyhting!) to download. anything going back to the old essential mix/selection of 95 (goa mix!) onwards R1 to the current Steve Smart mixes on KISS fm - love ALL music House D&B,, Trance, Rock, Northern Soul etc etc What do you think? Thanks in advance Jamie


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Sasha and Digweed.

if you're not already, get yourself onto myspace,com. there are huge amounts of dj's of all your fave genres who have entire mix sets available for download - and they're all for free! many ar tracklisted too which is a bonus.

i've got myself loadsa up to the minute fantastic mixes.

so...get your ass on there - you wont be disappointed.

godd luck with the travelling (lucky you!) have a fantastic time and be safe ;)

deb x

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