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Mirror Image

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Bob A Job | 14:57 Mon 30th Aug 2004 | How it Works
12 Answers
If you have two infinatly sized mirrors, parallel and facing each other. What would you see in the reflection? given that you were invisable.


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Surely if you have 2 infinitely sized mirrors, there would be no light between them and therefore you would see nothing but blackness.
You wouldn`t know the size of your mirrors......what is infinity????????? Someone could always double it. Anyway, if you were invisible what could be reflected?
You would see a series of mirrors disappearing off into the distance. Because the glass of the mirrors would not be 100% clear, the image would become darker and darker. You can do this to some extent for yourself with two mirrors (but you do tend to get in the way!) so the series of reflected images tends to curve off to one side because you need to see round yourself. Have I understood properly what you were asking?
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but what we see as a mirror, is just a reflection and its edges. if it has no edges and there is nothing to reflect, what IS seen in the mirror?
whatever is in front of the mirror
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Another Mirror!!!
A mirror only reflects LIGHT, thereby producing an image. In your scenario, there would be no light and therefore no image - you wouldn't even see the mirrors.
Every time light reflects off a mirror, you lose a tiny bit of energy. This means that, because of the immense speed of light, pretty much instantly you would end up with darkness.
Wait a minute... would you be perpendicular to one of these mirrors or at a different angle?
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Well heres another... If you were inside a large sphere. mirror coated so you could see yourself. if you had gravity you would see a blur around you, and yourself fully relected at the top.? (maybe) but in zero gravity floating in the middle what would you see then? Yourself streched around the inside surface? Or if its like looking into a spoon does your reflection follow your gaze as you look around?
well, if you were the lamp and the mirror surface was perfect (no energy losses) then you would slowly roast yourself.
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Mirror Image

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