Another suggestion: try Ypres (or Ieper), less than 2 hrs.
from Calais, on v. good roads. It is a beautiful old city
of great charm, and is the centre to visit if you have any
interest in the First World War. It has superb museums,
the famous Cloth Hall, Hellfire Corner, Sanctuary Wood,
and the Menin Gate where at 8p.m. every night the
Last Post is played under the archway, by buglers.
The infamous Passchendale (a bloodbath of 1917)
is just up the road, as is Tyne Cot war cemetary.
Suggest you stay nearby in Poperingh, at the
Amphora Hotel in the marketplace, or the De Kring hotel.
Visit Talbot House (Toc H) just off the square. You'll
be very welcome.
I've been to the Ypres area about a dozen times, and
need to go again, as I haven't yet seen all of its
historic attractions.
Incidentally, the local beers are probably the best in
Europe. Bon Voyage