Musicians often get pilloried for actions which, in context, are nothing like as lurid as they appear.
Jerry Lee is the most famous, but as johnny37 points out, the practise of underage inter-family marriages was common and acceptable in Jerry Lee's area of upbringing, and he was genuinely surprised by the furore cause when he toured the UK.
Similarly, Chuck Berry was imprisoned for an offence under the Mann Act - transporting a minor across a state line for illegal or imoral purposes. The background is, Berry hired a waitress from out of state to work in one of his clubs. She promptly set up shop as a porostitute in the building next door, and investigations proved that she was under eighteen, and had lied to Berry about her age. Non the less he was prosecuted, and served time.
Berry does have some seriously dubious personal activities in his past, but on this occasion, he was innocent.