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why do we hiccup

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mooglet | 00:38 Thu 19th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
Please does anyone know why we hiccup, my son asked me but i dont know.


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ooo, i had a few bouts Bez
best remedy mooglet (my opinion only)
one teaspoon of vinegar
always works for me
wish i had found out a bit earlier
Ewww Bill.....but if it works :)........I always find if I hold my breath and count to 30 (in my head) that works.

Take a deep breath, hold it and swallow twice.

Works every time!
Question Author
Thanks red~bez good website. Thanks wild-bill but vinegar, yuk. Scotchollie thats difficult to do, i just tried. Will give it a go next time though. x

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why do we hiccup

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