Hi abers i have an peugeot hdi 1.4 diesel engine 4 years old and i have had it for about 2 months, i wondered if 73.ooo miles is high, but as is diesel most people have told me it will last longer as it is a diesel???? Im not usually a stupid person but im getting confused by all the different things i get told about diesels, can somebody plse confuse me a bit more about diesels and how robust (or not) they are?? also can anybody tell me what "H" in HDI stands for as i cannot see the abbreviation for it anywhere in instr. manuals etc.
Hi toureman i appreciate your reply but i did put down the age as 4 years old as i did in the first line, and as i said i just wanted to know wot the H stood for as i know the di means direct injection/diesel injection.
thanks again.