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New Laptop?

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pendelli | 21:11 Wed 18th Apr 2007 | Computers
7 Answers
I need to buy a new Laptop. Any comments re Windows Vista? Any recommendations not too expensive?


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For the money the Dell laptops arent that bad, although it is worth buying Vista pre-istalled on a machine rather than dIY instal. Your makin the right decision.

Check out Dell, in my opinion.

worth noting that by the end of the year Microsoft wont be selling licenses for Win XP to any pc maker for new builds so you wont have a choice of OS.
The problem is not with Vista per se, but with the fact that there are many pieces of hardware that do not have Vista drivers.

So you may find you cannot connect to your ISP, or your printer does not work, or some of your software programs will not install.

The problem is, it is probably difficult to find a new laptop that does not have Vista on it.
Plenty of Acers here with Windows XP e_Duo_Series/prod.asp

But going with Vista now will probably save you money having to update at a later stage.
How about this, seems a good deal (an Acer) ?tag2=hotukdeals-21
Vista is brilliant. i bought it and everything ran fine. No problems at all. Your ISP will be fine, by the way. Most have updated now.
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Thanks all. Will see how it goes.
I bought a DEll Insiron 6400 with Windows Vista and have had no problems whatsoever.

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