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Apologise to Work Manager or not?

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jeanette1976 | 09:50 Tue 24th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
29 Answers
One of the managers came into the finance office where I work and sked who wanted his petrol receipts. I told him that they just went into one of the files and pointed to them to which he laughed and said in disbelief, "Shut up, I've got better things to do...' to which I jokingly said (but obviously meant, 'I'm not a skivvy, y'know'. He then got reallly angry and said in a loud voice, " I should give you some of my work to do then you'll really know what work is!!!" And stormed off.

Now I think about it, perhaps I was a bit cheeky to ask one of the managers to do something for himself... but being fair, I now think I was wrong.

I guess I've got a lot of hang ups but should I apologise to the other manager or leave it until he complains about me... we've never had a problem with eachother and usually have a laugh together, so I was shocked when he 'lightning snapped' at me.

What ever happens, I have to do it quick because the director has just come in and they're both due in a private meeting!!!!!

Many thanks!



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Is it in your job description to do this kind of thing? Basically... are you the skivvy? If the answer is yes.. then you didn't do your job, so yes, apologise.

However, I think what may have happened, is that by showing your manager up by telling him to basically 'get it yourself', he was embarrassed that he'd asked you to get whatever it was he wanted, and reacted the way he did because of that. In which case.... sit on it. Dont apologise. He spoke to you in a very bad mannered fashion in front of your colleagues, and should be left alone to cool off and have a good think about the way he behaved.

If and when he does apologise, just explain your actions, that there was no hidden malicious intent behind your comments, and that you are ALSO busy, and to suggest that he is busier isn't very helpful or condusive to good working relationships.

Tomorrow it'll seem like nothing,, and I'm sure you'll be joking around again in no time.
Im pleased its been resolved you are the better man i mean women.
Some bosses do have a chip on there shoulder they think there better than us.
He will think twice next time
Well done
No, not better, just different roles to fill within an organisation. Basically a manager is there to keep the business going and to keep the skivvies in a job. Whilst they must earn an element of respect, social strata and hierarchy determines that there are leaders and followers in all walks of life. Stepping outside the extremes may contravene some laws and everyone deserves some equality when autonomy is practised, but in any event it is still fundamental that someone knows their place within the hierarchy as well as their rights in and out of it.
oh please get a life. Have you got nothing else to do? 'This is going to bug me all day' - I had to laugh at that - and also crying for over na hour. 31 try acting like it.

hahaha what a laugh
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Nic, other people obviously thought otherwise to have replied and you have NO idea.... this was only the icing on the cake in addition to other personal problems so why don't YOU try getting a life and * off out of ours.
Great outcome jaenette at least you had the balls to apologise (rightly or wrongly) that led to an apology from him, good result!!

nic2006, stop acting like a total Pratt and grow up!!!
I would not apologize , I think he sounds quite rude tellinh you to shut up ! just because he is your manager - he is still a human as are you and he should have mores respect i would not say sorry to me it would be a matter of principle but we all have different ideas etc about life x
if it is your job to file receipts then you should have took them from him and said you'd deal with it.

when you say ''file'', them do you mean just shove them in a box, to be dealt with later - or actually find the right file and sort them through?

if i hire someone to deal with receipts etc i don't expect to be told to do it myself -even jokingly.

did you then get up and take them from him?
if not, then it wasn't a joke, was it? you meant it.

i agree he went a overboard, but it sounds like you both realise you were both wrong, so at least its sorted out now.

being 31 does not entitle you not to do your job properly - you may feel its the level of the work experience boy, but if its in your job description you must do it, even the crap stuff - thats what pa's and secretaries do.
Managers deal with crap stuff too including members of staff who don�t do their jobs properly and are churlish with it � as pretty much said in my 1st answer.

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Apologise to Work Manager or not?

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