I'm doing a local quiz which gives this quote by Nelson Algren, "The wind has blown the summer flies away. God has forgotten his own." In which of his books do those words appear. Thanks to anyone who can help. O-ice
It could very well be. Without having the book it's impossible to check, but since that is one of his more famous works you are probably correct. I found some of his quotes here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_Algren#Quo tes
but not the one I'm looking for.
Thank you for your help.
Googling 'Nelson Algren' and the first sentence of the quote brought this up on Google.
'William Brevda - The Rainbow Sign of Nelson Algren - Texas Studies
...On Nelson Algren "nights when the blood-red neon of the tavern legends tether ... slips into her final insanity: "The wind had blown the summer flies away. ...
muse.jhu.edu/journals/texas_studies_in_literature_and_language/v044/44.4brevda.html - Similar pages '
It's another restricted site and I couldn't paste a proper link but it looks as if the above paragraph gives a bit of the plot.
Not sure if this helps but good luck with the quiz anyway.
Messing around with that site again, I can link the quote to the book
In The Man with the Golden Arm, Sophie mentally sorts cards "drifting like a rainbow-colored fog bank through her mind" when she loses all hold on reality and slips into her final insanity: "The wind had blown the summer flies away. God had forgotten His own"
Many thanks Getoverit. You sure don't give up too easily. I'm surprised that you found the quote at all as I hunted until my eyes were crossed.
I appreciate that you took the time to search on my behalf.
I owe you a big one.
Postscript to GetOverIt
Since you are relatively new I don't know if you are aware of the Generalist crossword. I think with your research abilities that you would enjoy it. You'll find it at http://www.prospect-magazine.co.uk/landing_pag e.php
Scroll down the left-hand side and you'll see the crossword.
Good Luck.