Hi there,
My ex boyfriend snored really bad and it actually came to the point where i couldn't even share a bed with him as he used to wake me every night and no amount of elbow digs and me shouting in his ear worked - LOL Literally.
It was actually a big reason for us splitting up as he thought i was exaggerating about it, but i was constantly tired and it a bad mood due to lack of sleep. Obviously other reasons broke us up to.
He tried Snoreeze which didn't work and it is quite expensive too.
It turns out that he had a very small thoat and so had to have his tonsils out. Some medical problem anyway.
We are still friends now, but if his snoring hadn't turned me into an insomniac we might have stood a bit more of a chance.
Sorry to ramble, but just thought i'd sharre that with you - LOL
My advice is see a doctor as it could be something medical and don't waste your money on these remedies as they don't work, not for us anyway..