Can anyone tell me why my seeds won't germinate. I plant about 20 different veg. The only ones to come through are cucumber, courgette and melon. No tomatoes, no carrots, no leeks etc. etc. What am I doing wrong?
some seeds are more sensitive to temperature at germination, you can get a small propagater quite cheaply.
Also ensure the compost remains mosit, don't use soil, the seeds rot
Don't be tempted to use last years seed as it usually won't go. I tried last years pumpkins, didn't germinate, in the same conditions a new packet did.
hope this helps
Thanks. I suspect its something to do with how dry or moist I keep them. I've put them in one of those small plastic greenhouses, in seed trays with a plastic cover on and they either seem to be wet or dry out all the time. Its been quite hot in their so I would have thought the temp was ok. Should I leave the plastic cover on and let the condensation stay or should I lift it and water it?
Never leave the lid in place when it's full of condensation. These conditions are ideal for the growth of the various mould species that would destroy your seedlings as they emerge from the compost.
What you need to do is to shake the condensation off the lid possibly twice a day, and leave a small gap around the rim of the seed tray for air to circulate. Regardless of whether you've got vents in the plastic cover or not, without the airgap it may still be too humid for the seedlings.
Whilst warmth is essential to germinate many seeds, ventilation is just as important. Only water the compost when you see that the soil is drying out and water little and often.