i didnt know where to put this..i was just wondering, when you light a cigarette do you kind of breathe in? i dont smoke, but it always looks like people do this when they light it..i was wondering, WHY?
I'm an ex smoker and whilst you tend not to "breath in" you do draw on the cigarette to aid the cigarette in lighting, you would inhale that first draw though as it would probably taste of the matches or lighter fuel!!
as you will know, drawing air over anything smouldering will encourage it to light properly, the same applies to a cigarette.
Not so much breathe in, as suck, this is to ensure the flame ignites the Tobbacco, which doesn't burst into flame, but smoulders, with ready mades, the smouldering is continuous, with hand rolls, you have to breathe in to keep it smouldering, otherwise it goes out.
So on the initial light, its suck, thereafter, is inhaling.
As Ratter15 and Lonnie explain, its to enable the nicotine to be drawn into the lungs and then this is passed through the blood to the brain.
Also ex smoker