I have been having my legs and bikini line waxed for 25 yrs!! The hairs are very patchy on my legs but they don't stop growing. Waxing is not a permenant hair removal solution, although hair growth can become more patchy and sparse over time. What does happen though, is that as the hairs are removed from the root, they grow back with tapered, finer ends. This means that they don't feel stubbly to touch and look finer.
Some people need waxing every 4-6 weeks, whilst others need to have it done sooner and others need longer intervals. Sometimes waxing can last for ages and sometimes the hair grows back quicker. This is because the rate of growth can vary according to hormanal changes and external influences ie, hairs grow faster in hotter weather.
Have a go with waxing. I'm sure you'll like the results.