my goodness, it seems you are battling with your own emotions, maybe you think that she some sort of game plan?maybe she had maybe not, you said that she was german, does that make a difference when you lose a child for any reason, sorry no i dont thinks so,its obvious she needs some counselling to get over it,its like you are thinking did she ever love me, did she use me, its your head and your heart are having a battle, when you say she spends, you seem quite level headed and everything fits in boxes, she is no different from others that live for today, and buggar tomorrow, all i can say go along with whats she wants, and believe me if she needs you she will get in touch,also you didnt say if you were there for her when she had to go thru such a turmoil, maybe she feels resentful, also you are leaving her a option to come back to pick up her stuff, seems you still love her, hope it works out keep posting paul