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xhxmxsx | 14:09 Thu 31st May 2007 | Health & Fitness
4 Answers
does anyone have endometriosis on here? if so can you tell me how you cope, my doctor is as usefull as a chocolate fireguard and i'm getting really fed up!! help plz


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mt friend has suffered this for years, ask your g p to refer you to a gynecologist, good luck
Yes, I have it...was told for years that I didn't and was even given scans to prove it. However, after years of suffering, I was finally given a laparoscopy (which, according to my gynaecologist is the ONLY definitive way to diagnose) which confirmed I do have it. Some diathermy was done at that point, but for the last few months I've been having implants to put me through a temporary menopause which (in theory) will kill off the lining of the womb, thus killing off all the cells in places they shouldn't be...whether this works or not, I don't yet know. If you google endometriosis there are a lot of good sites which recommend dietary things and supplements etc, although to be honest I have tended to ignore the no caffeine and chocolate ones!
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thanks girlies, i'm going to go to my doctor next week as he's away at the moment and ask him to refer me, my mum has it and i read somewhere that it can be hereditary
ya i suffer very bad with mine too, have an appointment for an ultrasound next month, i jus took tablets like ponston and used heat patches. they just dull the pain but they make me very dopey, like im totally out of it, gentle exercise works wonders too, i work during mine now coz im constantly walking around. hope u feel better

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