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Does anyone want to feed my hamster?

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annie0000 | 00:10 Sat 30th Jun 2007 | Body & Soul
39 Answers
Volunteers please to watch my hamster, Harry, while we are on holiday.


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theyre the very guys lol
Hi legend, who you callin gimp, oh and can I have my leather face mask back please, it was only a lend you know!

Annie, you could always post him to me, I believe some student did that and he was delivered fine by the Roya Mail!
warpig shut it or ill whip yur ass.

then send joe the pikey to camp on your lawn!!!!
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Never been to the canaries at all legend - almost went to Tenerife, but had to cancel the day before we were due to leave as my then fiance - now my husband 's dad died. Never made it since and that was about 13 years ago
that reminds me Legend, can I have my whip back too?

AS for Joe, he said he would do my drive way but no sign of him as yet, these itinerants, i dont know, so unreliable!
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Hi Warpig - how'd they get the cage through the lettetbox?
LOL Annie, no apparently as an experiment they put him in a large jiffy bag with holes in it and put loads of shredded paper in it too and posted him as 'fragile' and he arrives safely, they were later done for animal cruelyt though, will have a look and see if I can find the story.
Here it is, sorry didn't get it quite right but hey its late. ire/4620879.stm
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Awww - who would do such a thing? some people shouldn't be allowed anywhere near animals (or people for that matter!)
welll annie if you come over gimme a shout lol

warpig calm yur jets wummin!!!!
Annie love , I have had 3 hamsters in my time and would gladly look after it ...if......I didn't live in lincolnshire and if I didnt have a huge inquisitive dog. :-) x
lincolnshire folk eat hamsters

dipped in piccalilli
You leave my jets alone legend!
Oh morning Bigmamma, well it is morning I guess.
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Thanks big mamma - i think that Harry would get a fright from your big dog, he is used to a fairly quiet environment - he lives in the kids play room but as he doesn't get up until they have gone to bed, he pretty much has it to himself. I just pop in from time to time to have a chat, give him a wee go in his ball and feed him.
more of a fright from dippin in the picccallilli i think lol
Yes annie your hamster would die of fright at the site of my dogs snout looming toward.
Hi warpig love , yes it is morning I guess :-0 xx
Legend , I did say I had 3 not I ate 3 lol :-) x
had 3 today.

i can hear the picalllillli jar opening just now lol
I think Freddie Starr lives around the Stirling area these days? Might be worth a try?

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Does anyone want to feed my hamster?

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