hi all, having my hair cut next week as i am bored of it. I have quite wavy hair down to about my bra strap, just normal with a side fringe and some layers. Im bored. I want a change and want something a bit funky,maybe a fringe of sorts or something a little different, but im scared!!! but hair grows right??? lol
anyone got any good websites that show styles or any words or encouragement/advice??
i had shoulder length hair and was sick of it always being the same, so (unlike me) i booked a hair appt for the same day and had it all lopped off and had short spiky hair. i absolutely love it, and glad i did it. go to a decent salon and you'll be fine. my hairdresser is really nice and we get on well, which makes a difference... you don't want some penis doing it who doesn't really know what you want. good luck!
i had very thick, curly hair that length too up until about 3 weeks ago.
I got it cut to shoulder length and thinned out with layers and i can now wear it curly or straightened. Nows its thinner its easy to straighten and i give it a bit of lift and a flick at the ends.