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enjoy sex

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sleepy1 | 01:04 Mon 09th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
32 Answers
do you really think sex is the best thing ever ..........i really dont understand what the big deal is .am i not doing it right ? any one else feel the same do you all think its great cos every one else lies saying they think its great ,,,,,,


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The only thing better than sex is having a wee when you are really,really, really desperate!!!
What about winning the lottery, is that better than sex???
Surey not because if your rich 'everybody' wants you.
Lol Hellyon, ive never know sex to be compared to a wee!!

So do you save it all up and have a good wee every night!!

I feel sorry for Mr Hellyon, when he suggests sex do you say no thanks I will have a pi$$ instead!!!
Scarlet is spot on!
Is it anything like this:
Pingu does a wee, wee
While were on the subject:
I am still enjoying sex at 75, mind you

It's not far I live at No. 71
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lol you mad lot
Lol Doc :-0
PMSL Ratter not really, it's alright for you men you can stand behind the nearest wall. Only women can ever fully appreciate the relief when you have been deperate for a wee and can't find a loo!!!!
Hmmm, the only thing better than sex i have experienced is when you put the last of your money on a number on the roulette wheel and your waiting for the ball to stop, and it lands on your number. Those 3 seconds of adrenaline is better than any sex.
Also like when your on holiday and you rent a moped and you nearly get knocked down or just miss riding off a cliff cos there are no barriers. Those few seconds are a feeling you cant explain.
Also its like when you hear a noise at night when your asleep and wonder if someone has broken in, and you go down to see , and its just your pet or sibling. Those few seconds when you realise things are ok are better than any sex.
I could go on all day, but had better not...
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tell me more mr ben

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