I suffer with "Plaque" psoriasis patches above/behind both ears. I use a non-sreroidal cream (Dovonex) but although effective, is messy and awkward and expensive. Does anyone have any advice on a relatively cheap remedy that may work, to relieve the symptoms.
I suffer from a similar condition(Sebhoaerric Dermatitis,)sp? I have found that Holland & Barrett's Organic Aloe Vera Gel works wonders.It is �4.99 for a large tube.It won't do any harm, and MIGHT just be what you are looking for.
I too have plaque psoriasis and Ive tried most things over the years. But Ive found that coconut cream can help wonders. Also Betnovate (perscription) scalp solution is a miracle worker - its not messy like the creams and the psoriasis seems to disappear. Mine has never been so good!
For years I have tested so many techniques to help my Psoriasis, and some things have helped more than others. Some things I have done have worked very well. Many other people have different stories on what helped them the most. For more informations, visit http://www.mypsoriasistreatment.com/