Personaly I always wonder at the other side of the argument. I know that there are vindictive women who will use their own children to punish their ex-husbands, but also are these men always whiter than white? I know they may want to see their children, but is that always in the best interests of the child? I heard from the F4J spokesman on the TV that the batman figure wasn't allowed to see his children even though one lived just 500 yards from his house -- seems odd, almost sounds like a restraining order, and those aren't handed out for nothing. I'm not taring every man with the same brush, but put yourself in a woman's place for one minute. If your husband spent most of your marriage beating the crap out of you in front of your children would you really want them to see him after you'd finally escaped???? I just think, as I said before, there are always 2 sides, and at the moment we're only hearing one, I'd like to know exactly why some of these men aren't allowed to see their children before I commit to saying that they have a right to.