I suspect you will not believe me but, the issue of racism is far from won. Black and ethnic minority people in this country continue to be significantly disadvantaged in this country. Very sadly racism is alive and kicking.
From my standpoint it is becoming a serious irritation.
I say again, the ethnic minorities are rapidly becoming ethnic majorities in many areas. What is it you want, complete domination, interminable apologies ?
I could say that I am tall, slim and beautiful. Just saying it doesn't make it true and I would have a hard time trying to find any evidence to support my preposterous claims. Additionally most sane people would think I was an object of pity if I kept on spouting what was patently untrue. Which is how I view your posts.
Maybe ruby, but people vote at ballot boxes based on what they feel and desire. I still want to know how the loony left will behave when it has completely subjugated everything even vaguely white and the anti-racism rallies will have become pointless - and I bet they will still continue, ever and ever bigger, even when the problem has gone away, to be replaced by another acceptable to them.
Well let's hope St Ken's little rally has stopped racism: after all, Live 8 has stopped the suffering in Africa and Live Earth (or whatever it was called) has stopped global warming!
Sorry jno, badly worded. No it's incessant anti-racism that is irritating, particularly when the problem no longer exists, or to be more accurate, daren't, or to be even more accurate, is being exacerbated by endless repetition of Orwellian stupidity.
I am white, most of the people (not all) I care about are white, why oh why would I with my left wing politics would I or any other white socialist with a bit of humanity, support a programme where white people became subjugated. The oppression of people is inhumane and immoral whoever is the perpetrator.
There is no programme to subjugate white people, just attempts to improve the situation for Black and Ethnic minorities. The improvement for some does not come at the cost for others.
Sorry whiffey I was under the misapprehension that you lived if not in Britain, then Europe or N America. So how come you have ended up living in a country where white people are in the minority. I am surprised you haven't moved as you appear to be quite uncomfortable where you are.