Possibly the quickest grid that I have ever completed for an EV, but have only one letter to place for the thematic words.....though I must admit that I haven't worked out the reasoning yet. of the preamble. The word is either grazing or glaring and fits with ?IN
Hi. I have all those you mentioned and also have 'nags at. I'm toying with an answer to 8) across but can't see why - mind you I have several others like that that I'm convinced are right but don't quite work out
I have ORPINGTON as 8a, and it fits with my other answers. Have now started a new thread as I was lonely on this one. Finished grid except 3d IN?? and 4d ST??
(so obviously 14a is partially missing too!)
Thanks for confirming. Hurray for us tortoises, I don't know how the hares manage it!
I am in exactly the same position as you. Decided it was Orpington and that left me with the dreaded ?in and the stow/news possibly but it makes no sense
if they can't decide ?IN then I don't suppose we have much chance. I've gone for TIN. Anyway, see whether my other thread yields any results. Nice to know others are learning like me. This is the furthest I've managed, but I still don't know what the "set" is that needs completing
Hi Ulysses 100!
Just posted this on Physicsgirl's thread which started today. Tin is right. The other 11 abbbreviations/ two letter representations use all but SN and EV from alphabet. A superb piece of inspiration from Christiana pointed the way to go!!