I have finished the grid! Except for 4 cells, so if anyone can help.... 3d IN?? 4d ST?? does not mean I understand all solutions fully, but this is about the furthest I have got without directly asking for answers or help! Now busy working on abbreviations and similar to in accordance with preamble.
Posted on the other thread but thought you were concerned about (t)in. I believe 3d is 'in on' which makes me think the other two might be news and stow or stew but can't work out why. Otherwise finished.
Yes, I'm sure it's floor. I just had an idea but I can't make it work. There are 11 two letter abbreviations, total 22 letters. That would leave four letters over in the alphabet - it doesn't quite work because tin, if it is tin, only gives a two letter abbreviation, leaving another two letters over, unless the two over are EV?
3d is in it and 4d is stow.
Have looked ad nauseam at all 15 *in words and the only one which I can find which can be represented by two letters is tin. I like the idea of EV being the remaining two letters. Posted it earlier with tin.
Just worked out the 'stow one, then found you had posted Novalis, but thought 3d was in on, so now have worked out my final one (14a) I think it has to be tin (sn) because these are some of the remaining letters of the alphabet when you take the 2 letter combinations away. Unfortunately I couldn't get the two letter abbreviations for absolutely all of them, so can't be completely sure.
Looking again at all thematic entries and agree with letter idea. If EV is not given then Sn would seem to complete the set from the various two letter abbreviations which I have. If it is anything else but "tin" I'd be greatly surprised. so no doubt will be surprised a week on Sunday when the solution is published!!
Wow! Well done Christiana. Was just logging on to say I had all but 6 letters accounted for using your A-Z theory. Was stuck on cross and wasn't sure of floor and gross, since my dictionary didn't have their abbreviated forms. Fantastic effort. You are a hare, not a tortoise!