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Saying no to strangers

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Cockney_si | 22:47 Wed 05th Sep 2007 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
Is the reason why most people ignore other people these days?

This public information film as a kid used to really creep me around 2:39 in the film clip

Yes we shouldn't encourage children to speak to strangers but what happens when we are adults, is this why we are so quiet in situations like on a bus or a train?
Stranger clip


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I remember that film. It seems even more creepy to me now I have kids of my own.

I like the way they show the policeman and say ''you know he's ok'' yeah,

You are probably right about 'stranger danger' carrying on into adulthood. I like the way I can engage in friendly banter with a stranger every now & then, and feel quite put out when a smile or an exchange is dismissed with a blank stare or grumpy expression. It is hard to teach your kids polite manners and sociability when this is what you get in return.
i'm the weirdo that makes eye contact and talks to people though! guess it comes from having to talk to people in all diff sits at work, whether my main job or at the pub, i've met some really sound people though and a few nutters, but i guess a lot of people think i'm a nutter too :-)
I couldnt watch the video as it didnt work and i cant remember a video about strangers either.

I am pretty shy so very rarely talk to people I dont know. Sometimes if im on my own on the bus or in a queue I do find myself chatting to other people around but almost always other women or elderly people. I will probably get moaned at for this but if I am on my own and a man I dont know starts up a conversation I feel really intimidated. I know not all men are freaky weirdos but the fact that i am on my own with a completely strange guy trying to chat to me really scares me. oh and i mean just an everyday convo by that, not come on lines or anything.

I think its really hard to teach kids not to talk to strangers. I have been with my 3 year old granddaughter loads of times when complete strangers have talked to her, just normal stuff like she may have a bag of sweets and the stranger will say 'hmm they look nice are you enjoying them' depending on her mood she will either answer or growl 'go away stranger' and look to either me or her mam for help. In these cases the person always looks shocked and on occasion has said she is rude !!!
Eww creepy. I swear I had those exact same shoes when I was a kid! But isn't the stranger now playing the part of Laurel's father in Emmerdale?
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Yeah that's right josyjo he also used to be in the comedy 'surgical spirit' and that used to creep me out at first when I saw it as a teenager ! ;o)
I'm 75 years old and live alone having lost my wife 9 years ago. I love talking to people and getting a response makes my day seem brighter. Not everyone is weird or creepy, they could be very shy, or just lack confidence.

Next time you are out and about give someone a big smile and a cheery hello, you'll be amazed to see their reaction and delight.

There's too much P.C. spoken which has made everyone frightened to express themselves in case they are rebuked

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Saying no to strangers

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