im going to be honest. i can only write sterotypically, simply because everyones different. in other words, not all men/boys are so mean. but anyway...
in my opinion, girls are actually worse than boys in terms of "meaness" two boys, best mates, fall out. meet up, fight. break up. meet again next day. "hi mate, sorry about all that, forgive and forget? yeah? lets go for a pint" sorted.
two girls, best mates, fall out. dont meet up. text other friends bitching about best mate. spreads rumors. lies. gossip and so forth. the feud can last for days, weeks, months, and even years. girls, if you ask me, are schemeing, planning, deceiving, twisting, lieing little sods when they go into bitch mode.
of course, like i said, this is all sterotypical, simple because it has to be. but still, i have to say, i think girls and so much more mean than boys. even when they turn into men and women, the exact same thing.
whats nice to know is, not every man and woman, girl and boy is like that! sometimes even boys can be as bitchy as women! and lets face it...who wants to fight a girl anyway? ive already lost one eye, id rather not risk some crazy girl scratching her way to the other!