Well, of course you feel like revenge. He's hurt you desperately and now you want to make him hurt too so that he knows what it feels like. But all you will be doing is allowing him to have more power over you while you waste more of your life thinking negative thoughts and using up your emotional energy. However hard it feels, try to tell yourself that he has now shown his colours in their true light and be thankful that you have discovered this now, rather than later. You've said he was your "Ex". So now make sure that he really is your EX, and remove him from your life completely, however much effort it takes. Don't take any more phone calls from him. Don't meet up with him and don't talk to him. Look forward and be assured not all men are like this. You just got a duff one. But give yourself time to get over your feelings of hurt before embarking on a new relationship otherwise your bitterness might show through and put off a perfectly nice guy next time round.