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Writing to a Lord?

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Stu in USA | 17:49 Wed 19th Sep 2007 | Society & Culture
9 Answers
When writing to a Lord (Baron) how do you begin and end the letter?


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My Lord xyz
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Thanks for answers so far, but how do I end the letter? Is it "I am your obedient/humble servant" or similar?
Yours faithfully, same as if you're writing to a plain 'Mr'.
If you know their name, as presumably you do, you sign off with "Yours sincerely" (yours faithfully if you don't know their name)
Sorry, the second link should have been this, which includes how to start and end your letter...... ds_contact/address.cfm
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Thanks to you all, I am your humble servant and most grateful.
Dear ********
Your humble ********

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Writing to a Lord?

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