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Jeffro | 22:03 Sat 29th Sep 2007 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers

I have been watching a video of Tom Jones live at Cardiff castle singing HELP YOURSELF. This video has now been removed and the following message is now on screen. THIS VIDEO HAS BEEN REMOVED DUE TO TERMS OF USE VIOLATION.Even though there are other songs from the same concert still there. Can anyone tell me why.


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Yes - the copyright owner has complained, and cited that one link as a sample.

The others will be removed in due course, and will no doubt reappear in the near future.
this is what has happened to my Garth Brooks links, i am not pleased. I've got so bored with AB tonight and the lack of any garth on you tube i have put The magnificent Seven on the dvd.
i got that on sweet's blockbuster too

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