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Make up samples

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Cinnabon | 00:22 Wed 12th Sep 2007 | Beauty
5 Answers
What does everyone do with the freebie samples that you get during bonus time when you buy make up?
I have so many samples I'm getting fed up.
So my questions are:
Do you use the sample first or the product that you bought first?
What do you do with the stuff that does not suit your skin colour / type?
How long can you keep the samples (opened and unopened) for?
Many many many thanks in advance


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Sell 'em on Ebay as job lots.
Generally on all skin care products you have on the back a symbol which looks like a small can with the lid open and then a number and an 'm'....this is the amount of time you can keep the product for once it's been opened.

I usually try the products, as I like the brand anyway, if there is anything I get which I think would be better suited for someone else then I save and it give it to them (usually my mum).
I usually try the products too, and anything that may be too pale/dark is offered to my friends/family, and they do the same with me as we all have different colouring.

I usually try and use them quite quickly but wouldn't keep them longer than a year.

As for all the shampoo/conditioner/body lotion/face cream samples that I get in magazines, I find them so handy for taking if I'm going away for a weekend or a weeks holiday, much lighter than bringing bottles!
If they're good samples (Clarins, Lush, Est�e Lauder & the like) then why don't you put a little collection together as an ideal gift to a girlfriend. It would make a lovely gift for girlfriend you don't see very often, or an extra 'side' gift for a close friends birthday.
Have you ever tried taking them to your local Red Cross? You would be surprise what Red Cross needs & I know it means a lot to a lady to get a goody bag with personal items after they have lost their things. Every little bit helps!

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Make up samples

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