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**desires** | 21:57 Fri 08th Oct 2004 | Body & Soul
3 Answers
hi mattie, xxlizziexx, and lindy loo. thanx for your help i'm the fourteen year old. To answer your question lindy loo, i am a girl, i'm around 63 inches tall, and i weigh around 158. it really depresses me, i heard that this guy that i really like said i would be hot if i was skinnier. thanx for your help, if you see this reply again to this question, how do you find out other members of this? do you have emails so i can talk to you when i'm in need?


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Pleased to be of some help. Don't give in to peer pressure, Remember, most of us who post here are not experts, if you are really worried then see your doctor.
Hi, I've done a quick conversion to UK measurements and got this. Your 5ft 3ins tall and weigh 11st 4lb. Well I'm 5ft 2ins tall and just under 13st so your taller and lighter than me!! Mind you I'm over 45yrs!!! As we said before don't panic, eat sensibly a touch more excersize (yeah I've gotta do it too!!) and remember it's your personality and character that's more important than shape! On Answerbank we don't give out our email addresses, it's part of the terms of use, but you can always post questions on here, as there are many people who can help you with advice or suggestions.
Sorry to butt in **desires** but any man who said he'd like you "if you were skinnier" is not worth having. He should like you for who you are not what he thinks you could be.

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