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bobtheturkey | 18:27 Mon 15th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
what do you all look like?


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I am 4'2" with scaly skin,(E45 applied vigorously twice a day) a hump on my back, bow legs, what there is of them, a roman nose with a hairy mole on the tip (of which i am particularly proud) and i have a turn in my right eye, greasy hair that hangs in rats tails although my hair is incredibly fine these days and ear lobes that rest on my shoulders (no neck ya see) but made worse by heavy earrings worn during the 80's!!

However, i believe that you should love yourself no matter what, so i wont brag any longer just in case i have left some of you feeling slightly inferior!

Oh, and im single so any offers would be gratefully received!
I look like my mon
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stevie wonders typing to you as i type this lol

i never knew you were that goodlookin jules lol
unruly..whilst you are down there.............
Was this you venturing out to the supermarket the other day unrulyjulie ? war/Haridwar69.jpg
I knew my honesty would pay off!!!!!!! Ya see stevie, you get this image of someone in your head and truth is, its generally wrong! You always thought i was a munter didnt you??????? go on ,admit it, i wont be offended!

neo, what ya lost mate, im looking as we speak but i cant see anything!!!!! must be that turn in me eye!
bigmamma, what you trying to insinuate? and i thought you was nice too!!! How wrong you can be !
Hee hee jules love , I have seen the real you on myspace and I know you are very pretty indeed :-) xxx
I am Ginger!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Prove it.
nah, not me bigmamma,,,,oh i remember now, thats my ugly sister! I used her pic, i admit it!

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