I am 18 weeks almost and i think i felt my first definite movement last night - it was as if someone prodded me from inside. it wasn't sharp, but it was quick - very strange! for the last few weeks i've felt "movement" but attributed most of it to wind or things moving in my bowel. Does this sound like a baby prod? i.e. a gentle kick?! it happened twice - almost in the same spot, within a minute of downing half a pint of cold water.
any advice for trying to get it to happen again!!??
lol its hard to say bu it sounds like it could be. At 18 weeks they have no real strength behind them but usually things like cold drinks get them moving about. Its a tip for future reference if baby is quiet have a cold drink or icecream.
Im starting to feel very gentle movemtns at the mo and Im 14 weeks but they are hardly noticable with mine.
I almost felt a gentle fluttering - thats the only ay to describe it. Ths was at about 18 weeks and I was so hapy to feel it. Usually happened when I was totally relaxed.
You never for certain but I would say a definate yes! Especially after cold water.Feels great doesnt it? For the first time yesterday, I saw my stomach actually move with a kick! I was so pleased because finally my boyfriend could see something (baby refuses to move a centimetre when he has his hand on my tummy!) So I sat there last night with tummy out and my boyfriend watching............. nothing!!!! Get in bed, it starts doing somersaults! It really is a little bugg�r! lol