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WOW its back!!

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admarlow | 09:37 Sat 20th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I never thought Id see the day, hi all, im in Las Vegas


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Viva Las Vegas
neo you asked

and so it is done

: -)
wish i was im in sunny blackpool,very cold sun with no casino
Hi admarlow!!

Wow Vegas eh! Lucky you (I hope so anyway!)

Have a lovely time! It's always nice to see you pop in every now and then braggin... sorry.. telling us about your travels ;o)

Jealous.. moi?.....never!

Stay lucky!
Hi admarlow

Great to hear from you, will you be making a trip to the Little White Chapel?

I presume if you are in Vegas then you are on your 'return' leg, when are you due back in Blighty?

Also could you put $5 on number 7 please, I'll pay you later.

Hi admarlow - don't really know you properly - but the name is familiar enough for me to want to say hello x

sounds like you're having a nice time.....any piccy's?
Hi admarlow,

My favourite place :)

Here's a six piece bet for roulette for yas!!!

on the splits, 1 chip each place.


Covers a good spread on the wheel lol... called Tier du Voisin.... and pays 17 - 1

B. xxx

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WOW its back!!

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