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Rabbit Antisocial Behaviour

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adie_emanuel | 16:39 Fri 24th Sep 2004 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
my house rabbit wee's on my bed, but only at night while im in it, why is this?


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how does he get up onto your bed? if you put him on your bed before you go to sleep, then you should expect him to have a pee on it - if he's managing to bounce up there at night you should put him in a hutch for bed
my brother's rabbit was let into the house for much of the day but always put back in his hutch in the shed at night. He was very good about going to the loo only in his tray as he was trained to, but occasionally did pee on the duvet, nowhere else, I think it must have been the softness or something! I think undercovers is right you should restrict him somehow at night, whether you shut him in a hutch or just in one room. It won't do him any harm.
Ye Gods! Put it in its bl***y hutch!!!!
I have two house rabbits. If you keep your bed clean they don't wee on it. They do like more human smelling duvets, it makes them wee on it!. Tried and tested. My rabbits have the run of the house and now don't ever wee on the bed. I never shut them away in a cage.

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