Weal: You�re no wimp! But you�re clearly susceptible. As honourable as your commitments are in working within this field, there are times when we reach our apex and simply can�t place any more jars of sadness, anger, exasperation, and abject sorrow on our shelves. There are times when you feel you�ve moved several centimetres ahead, and all of a sudden, you�re crashing against a wall, having to start all over again.
And it�s impossible not to get involved sometimes, although your professionalism teaches you not to. One more battered child, one more dysfunctional family, one more psychotic client and you feel as if the last scintilla of hope has been drained from your soul. No, you�re no wimp.
Perhaps it�s just a break you need. Perhaps it�s a new vision. Perhaps it�s the embrace of arms around you, acknowledging that you also have needs. (People often forget this.)
And even here, there are those who will not commensurate with you, but instead, ridicule you or at the least, intentionally try to wind you up. No, you�re no wimp.
And your accrued belief structure � that fibre that holds you together may be stretched in every imaginable direction until you feel it will never again give you peace. No, you�re no wimp.
The raw, unadulterated truth is that you�ve seen what society doesn�t wish to see, doesn�t wish to acknowledge, or most particularly doesn�t care about.